Insights From The Revenue Roll Lab

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1+1=3: Firework And Revenue Roll Team Up To Reimagine The Customer Funnel

June 6, 2023

The third-party cookie is making its ungraceful exit, and advertisers are worried. After all, just two short years ago, 86% of all marketing decision makers said they relied on third-party cookies. And when taken in tandem with Apple’s clampdown on data tracking — with only a quarter of mobile users in the world opting into app tracking — many advertisers feel like they’re flying blind.


Of Marketing Decision Makers Rely On 3rd Party Cookies


Of Mobile Users Opting Into Tracking

This creates a two-fold challenge for marketing teams everywhere:
  • Customers Are Mostly Anonymous: They’re often operating without key knowledge of who their customers are, what their intent signals might be, and what’s truly resonating along the customer journey.
  • Limited Chances To Convert: Without having the visibility into their customers to most effectively warm up prospects as they move along the funnel, the pressure once they reach their final destination couldn’t be higher. Without the kind of nurturing and retargeting enabled through third-party data, conversions are harder to achieve, and on-site experience carries a much greater weight.

Building a better funnel

That’s why we’re so excited to announce a new partnership with Revenue Roll, a best-in-class advertising analytics platform that identifies bounced website visitors and enables advertisers to retarget them via email & ads.

We're thrilled about our partnership with Firework as their engagement tools complete the customer journey funnel, further enhancing ROAS for our clients. Pairing our advanced audience identification and retargeting capabilities with Firework’s engaging shoppable video technology, subscribers get a powerful combination that can truly maximize their brand’s bottom line.
Michael Diesu

Co-Founder & COO, Revenue Roll

Revenue Roll’s audience identification will provide subscribers with the emails of anonymous users for superior retargeting via Klaviyo, Google, and Facebook ads.

Their identity graph will connect the different devices and browsers of an individual and visualize the complete customer journey on one page with multiple attribution model options.

Their server-side tracking system will increase the retargeting attribution window from 24 hours (current limit for data collected through Safari) up to 2 years to increase your data’s lifespan.

Revenue Roll subscribers increased ROAS by 66% last year, during a time when the overall industry saw a drop in ROAS of 6.5%.

A partnership that’s more than the sum of its parts

While Revenue Roll markedly improves top of funnel performance, conversions hinge on experience. If all the work to find the prospective customer and get them to your page results in a bounce because your website feels dated, all the advertising analytics in the world won’t help you.

Especially for younger generations, staid and static pages don’t work. Video is the new language of engagement. Through movement, authenticity, and social-like levels of engagement, brands and advertisers are much better suited to win the hearts, clicks, and repeat purchases of a digitally native audience.

Revenue Roll drives only the highest intent traffic to our clients’ landing pages while Firework welcomes them on-site and in-app through their shoppable video commerce to build rapport, trust, and ultimately convert. Together, we are helping brands to increase LTV, reduce CAC, and optimize their ad spend for long-term bottom line improvement.
Eva Wang

Head of Commerce Partnerships, Firework

Insights From The Revenue Roll Lab

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